White Zircon Benefits

The wearer's financial growth is boosted by white zircon. It bestows wisdom, supports in clear thinking, boosts self-confidence, and improves self-esteem in the user. It also helps the wearer in maintaining an opulent lifestyle and social position by increasing income sources and opening doors to new opportunities.

In the lives of couples, white zircon gives marital joy. It helps in the improvement of love, intimacy, harmony, and mutual understanding between them. It is also supposed to aid in the revitalization of sexual health in couples who are having difficulty conceiving.

The healing and curing abilities of white zircon stones are legendary. It aids in the treatment of ailments such as fever, epilepsy, gastrointestinal problems, diabetes, migraines, and hormone imbalances. White Zircon has a favorable effect on the body's appearance.


Price & Quality

A stone's quality and worth are determined by a number of factors.

  • Origin - Sri Lanka, Africa, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Brazil are all home to natural zircon. The two most notable Zircon mining regions are Sri Lanka (Ratanakiri mine of Ceylon) and Cambodia, which produce the highest grade stones in terms of colour and clarity.
  • Clarity - In comparison to other natural gemstones, zircon has less inclusions. Zircon gemstones of the highest quality are practically eye-clean, with exceptional transparency and a beautiful brilliance. Inclusions may be observed in stones of medium to low quality.
  • Cut - Zircon is faceted into a variety of shapes, including oval, cushion, square, rectangular, and other fanciful shapes. A superbly faceted White Zircon is recommended for purchase because it showcases the gemstone's colour, clarity, and fire.
  • Color - Natural zircon is available in a wide range of colours, including white (colourless), blue, green, yellow, pink, red, and brown. White (colourless) Zircon is the most precious and beautiful gem variant among all Zircon colours.


Who should wear White Zircon ?

According to Vedic Astrology, white zircon is related with the planet Venus. It is one among the astrological diamond substitutes.

  • White Sapphire is suggested by Indian astrology for the rashis of Libra (Tula) and Taurus (Vrishabha).
  • White Zircon can be worn by ascendants of all zodiac signs as it has no negative effects.


White zircon is a gleaming and glossy stone. It has a brilliance and fire that rivals diamond because to its high dispersion and refractive index. Due to their similar names and look, natural zircon is frequently confused with man-made Cubic Zirconia.

As it is related to the planet Venus, it gives good fortune, reputation and money to the wearer.

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