Amethyst Benefits

Amethyst is associated with spiritual healing, tranquility, and knowledge. Using this purple stone can help to eliminate bad thoughts and open up metal barriers. Anxiety, stress, insomnia, fear, and sadness can all be alleviated with it. It also aids in the overcoming of self-destructive habits such as smoking, drinking, and drug usage. It cleanses the psyche and instils courage and calm in the individual.

  • Helps Recognize Inner Strength - Amethyst is associated with both the crown and third eye chakras. It bestows the gift of intuition and awakens a person's sixth sense. It is also a powerful protective amulet.
  • Good Health - Amethyst improves the immune system, balances hormones, supports digestive health, relieves headaches, and promotes restful sleep on a physical level. It also helps with cell regeneration, endocrine function, and the look of the skin.
  • Mind Control - Amethyst has the power to calm restless thoughts and assist those who have difficulty making decisions. It aids in the improvement of mental focus, creativity, and concentration. It can also bring financial prosperity and resurrect unforeseen chances.


Price & Quality

A stone's quality and worth are determined by a number of factors.

  • Origin - Amethyst may be found all over the world, from the icy reaches of Siberia to the sweltering rainforests of Brazil. Because of its rich colour and high transparency, Brazilian Amethyst is the best of all the Amethyst mined worldwide.
  • Clarity - Amethyst is a clear stone with minimal visible impurities. Although they may seem as reddish brown needles or angular colour banding when present, they can lower the stone's overall value.
  • Cut - Finely cut Amethyst has a brighter, more color-illuminated appearance and can skilfully cover inclusions. Because of the waste and time involved in the process, faceted stones are more expensive than cabochons.
  • Color - Amethyst comes in a variety of purple hues. Its purple hues range from mild lavender through pastel violet to dark purple. It may have one or both of the secondary colours of red and blue. Among all Amethyst colour tones, bright deep purple with a faint red tone is regarded the best. Color zoning is very common in amethyst. This has an impact on the stone's marketability and value. The majority of individuals desire a gem with a deep and consistent colour.


Who should wear Amethyst ?

Quartz is a purple variant of the stone Amethyst. According to Vedic astrology, amethyst (also known as Jamuniya or Katela) is related with the planet Saturn (Shani). It's used as a replacement for blue sapphire. It's also well-known for its medicinal benefits. Amethyst is also prized for its aesthetic and decorative qualities.

  • Amethyst is recommended for Makar (Capricorn) and Kumbh (Aquarius) rashis in Vedic astrology.
  • Amethyst can be worn by ascendants of all zodiac signs because it has no negative or adverse effects.
  • Amethyst birthstone is for people born in the month of February.


Amethyst is the most valuable purple gem in the world, and it has been used for over three centuries. Because of its appealing colours, durability, and affordability, it is a favourite new age gem. According to vedic astrology, amethyst is an astrological alternative for blue sapphire.

It is among the most beloved healing stones and artisans, jewellers, and customers all admire it.

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