Ruby Benefits

Ruby has a variety of benefits depending on where the Sun is in one's horoscope. Ruby is a powerful protection stone with numerous advantages.

  • Royalty & Fame - Throughout history, the colour ruby has always been related with royalty. As a result, wearing Ruby boosts the wearer's lifestyle and social prestige. It also aids the wearer in achieving great social status and respect.
  • Improves Mental Health - Ruby is particularly good to persons who suffer from low self-esteem. It aids the user in overcoming emotional and mental challenges in life. It removes negativity from the wearer's life and gives them mental and emotional clarity.
  • Academic Success & Career Advancement - Ruby bestows upon the wearer the necessary intellect, attention, and tenacity to excel in life. It boosts a person's inventiveness, confidence, decision-making, and leadership abilities. Politicians, administrative staff, diplomats, and other leaders will find it extremely useful. It's also a good idea for kids who are studying for state or civil service exams.
  • Good Health - Ruby is an excellent stone for muscle strengthening, improving blood circulation, cleansing the body, and increasing energy levels. It aids in the treatment of a variety of maladies and illnesses, including weak eyes, digestive problems, bone-related concerns, reproduction issues, and hormone imbalances.


Price & Quality

Ruby has a strong market command and worth. Ruby stones have a wide price range that is determined by a variety of quality characteristics. Natural and untreated Ruby stones can cost anywhere from Rs.2,000 ($25) to Rs.2,000,00,000 ($3,000) per carat.

  • Origin - India, Afghanistan, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma), and Africa are the primary sources of ruby. Because of its amazing colour, which is similar to pigeon's blood, Burmese Ruby is the most valuable and expensive Ruby. The price of a carat of Burmese Ruby starts at Rs.20,000 ($250). Ruby from Africa's Mozambique and Tanzania is highly prized for its dark hue, high quality, and low price. African Ruby is priced per carat starting at Rs.2,000 ($25).
  • Clarity - Rutile inclusions in ruby are needle-like. The clarity of stones with fewer and smaller inclusions is greater, and so they attract a higher price. Non-visible inclusions in rubies are highly rare and valuable.
  • Cut - The quality and luster of the gemstone are determined by the shape and finish of the stone. A Ruby stone that has been finely cut and faceted will appear considerably brighter, lighted, and uniformly coloured than a stone of the same colour and clarity that has been coarsely cut. As a result, the more polished and smooth a gemstone is, the higher its market value.
  • Color - Ruby stones are mostly red, but they also come in a variety of secondary colours, such as orange, purple, violet, and pink. Ruby stones with no secondary undertones are more coveted and precious than rubies with secondary undertones. The most valuable and sought-after rubies are those with a bright pigeon blood red colour. The most important thing to remember is that colour should be natural rather than increased artificially.


Who should wear Ruby ?

Ruby is a rare red form of the mineral Corundum. The Mohs hardness scale gives this red stone a score of 9. According to Indian Vedic astrology, Ruby signifies the astrological planet Sun. In astrology, the sun is regarded as the most important planet and occupies the position of father/king in a horoscope. Wearing Ruby bestows immense success, financial gain, dignity, and authority on the wearer.

  • Ruby is the birthstone for Leo (Singh) rashi, according to Vedic astrology.
  • Ruby is also suitable for Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces ascendants.
  • Ruby birthstone is for the people born in the month of July.
  • Ruby is also the birthstone for the Cancer zodiac sign, according to Western astrology.


Ruby is a precious gemstone renowned as the "King of Gemstones." It is related to the Sun, which is astrology's most powerful planet. Ruby is prized for its brilliant red colour, long durability, royal history, and astrological significance.

Ruby is a gemstone that represents honesty, power, monarchy, good fortune and protection.

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