Hessonite Garnet Benefits

During the Rahu dasha, Hessonite is highly suggested for gaining power, money, and prosperity. This incredibly potent astrological gemstone improves mental clarity and brings a sense of harmony to the wearer. It provides a relaxing impact on the wearer's mind and bestows enhanced health, vigour, and vitality on them.

  • Strong Social Status - Hessonite can aid the wearer in swaying public opinion to his side. It also boosts their social standing. People in public relations, diplomatic roles, commissioning trades, and event management will find it quite useful.
  • Mind Balance - Hessonite aids in the removal of confusion, lack of courage, and fear from the minds of those who wear it. It infuses the wearer's life with positive energy. It is especially useful for people who are prone to fear, anxiety, or stress in their daily lives.
  • Improved Physical Health - Hessonite provides relief from disorders such as indigestion, asthma, and anxiety, among others. It can also help people suffering from cancer, skin disorders, psoriasis, fear psychosis, mental issues, varicose veins, boils, leprosy, intestinal problems, fatigue, blood pressure, and multiple personality disorders, among other things.
  • Financial and Professional Development - Hessonite provides prosperity to its wearer's life and aids with the acquisition of wealth. It boosts the wearer's creativity, concentration, and self-assurance. It provides the wearer with a clear path to assist them attain their life goals. It also aids the wearer in prevailing in a variety of competitions and life-threatening circumstances.


Price & Quality

The price of Hessonite stones varies greatly depending on various quality parameters.

  • Origin - Hessonite is found in abundance all over the world, including Asia, Africa, Australia, South America, and Europe. Because of its relatively superior quality and excellent colour saturation, hessonite mined in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is the most popular origin. It is excellent for astrological purposes. Its price range begins at Rs.900 ($10) per carat and increases to Rs.4,000 ($50) per carat. African Hessonite is also used for astrological purposes, though it is of lower quality. Its prices range from Rs.200 ($3) to Rs.900 ($10) per carat. Because of its low luster and high visible, black, spot-like inclusions, Indian Hessonite is less suitable for astrological purposes.
  • Clarity - Hessonite Garnet is often composed of fluid inclusions. The quality and price of the stone are determined by the location, volume, and nature of the inclusions. A high-quality stone will be transparent and free of visible inclusions.
  • Cut - Hessonite stones are cut to enhance their appearance. Because of the stone waste incurred during the process, the price of a faceted cut gomed stone is usually higher than the price of a round or cabochon stone, assuming quality and size remain constant.
  • Color - Hessonite is predominantly a brown stone with secondary undertones. For astrological purposes, stones ranging in colour from orangish brown to reddish brown are recommended. Pale yellow gemstones are not used in astrology.


Who should wear Hessonite Garnet ?

In Vedic Astrology, the gemstone Hessonite symbolizes the shadow planet Rahu or the north node of the moon. Hessonite stone is recommended for people going through Rahu's dasa or malefic phase because it protects against any unexpected mishaps during this time. Hessonite is also used to enhance the effects of Rahu in one's horoscope. It should only be worn if an astrologer recommends it after analyzing the horoscope.


Hessonite is a dark brown variety of the Grossular Garnet family of minerals. In Vedic astrology. it is referred to as the shadow planet Rahu.

In addition to Financial & Professional Growth, it improves position & power, emotional stability, and Balance.

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