Emerald Benefits

Emerald has long been regarded as a tremendously powerful gem. It exudes a certain energy and aura that captivates the mind. Almost every businessman, student, writer, and artist is advised to wear this stone in order to maximize their potential and achieve life success.

  • Communication Skills - Emerald improves the wearer's effective communication and interpersonal speaking abilities. It aids the wearer in overcoming confidence issues and stammering issues. It is extremely useful for people who work in public relations, media, and mass communication.
  • Professional and academic success - Emerald bestows upon the wearer a bright mind and sharp intellect, allowing them to advance in life wherever they wish. It is an excellent stone for improving memory, focusing, and concentration. It also improves mental clarity and assists those who are unable to make decisions. It also improves the wearer's reasoning and arithmetic abilities. It is extremely beneficial to businesspeople, students, and professionals in education and research.
  • Physical and Emotional Well-being - Emerald gives the wearer psychological strength to face difficult times as well as physical strength to rejuvenate tired organs. It can relieve headaches, strengthen the eyes, treat allergies, and reduce the severity of respiratory diseases. Emerald can also help with epilepsy stabilization.
  • Creativity and Imagination - Emerald enhances the wearer's creativity and imagination. It enables the wearer to effectively brainstorm and innovate. It is extremely beneficial for people who want to make a name for themselves in creative fields, such as authors and artists.


Price & Quality

Emerald has a strong market command and value. Emerald stone prices vary greatly depending on numerous quality parameters. Natural and untreated Emerald stones can cost as little as Rs.2,000 ($25) per carat and as much as Rs.50,000 ($700) per carat.

  • Origin - Emerald is extracted all across the world, but certain origins are preferred over others due to superior or unique quality. Zambia (Africa) and Colombia (South America) produce the highest quality Emerald stones in the world. Colombia is the world's leading producer of emerald, with major mines in Muzo, Chivor, and Coscuez. Colombian emeralds are prized for their high quality and vibrant green colour. Zambian Emeralds have fewer inclusions and a desirable green colour with a slight blue tint. Colombian Emeralds are typically more expensive than Zambian Emeralds, despite the latter's superior quality and prestige. Brazilian Emeralds are also in high demand in the market due to their high quality and low cost.
  • Clarity - Natural Emerald stones have a lot of inclusions. Emerald stones with no visible inclusions are extremely rare. Emeralds with less visible inclusions are astrologically preferred and therefore more expensive. Avoid stones with surface-reaching cracks and cavities.
  • Cut - The cut and finish of the stone represent the quality and sheen of the gemstone, so the more finished and soft the gemstone, the higher its market price. Faceted Emeralds are typically cut in an oval or the signature emerald cut (rectangular cut with facets around the top edge). These cuts are preferred because they reflect more light and can conceal imperfections.
  • Color - Emeralds are created when the mineral beryl contains chromium, vanadium, and iron. Emerald's colour range is due to the varying presence of these three elements. When evaluating the colour quality of an Emerald, hue, tone, and saturation are all taken into account. The colour of emerald varies from bluish green to green to slightly yellowish green. Gemstones with a bright pure green hue are preferred over those with blue or yellow tints. Medium to dark-toned stones are more valuable than light-toned stones. Stones with a high saturation reflect light better and are thus preferred over stones with low saturation.


Who should wear Emerald ?

Emerald is a valuable green variety of the mineral Beryl. According to Indian Vedic astrology, Emerald represents the astrological planet Mercury. Emerald represents wisdom, intelligence, wealth, and communication. Emerald bestows tremendous success, income growth, communication skills, advanced imagination, and excellent health on the wearer.

  • Emerald is the birthstone for Gemini (Mithun) and Virgo (Kanya) rashis, according to Vedic astrology.
  • Emerald can also be worn by Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius ascendants.
  • Emerald birthstone is for people who were born in the month of May.
  • The Emerald birthstone is also recommended by Western astrology for Taurus.


Due to its rich color and rarity, Emerlad’s are one of the most popular gemstones. Their sparkling, twinkling green color has been captivating royalty, jewellery makers and philosophers for centuries.

A gem of wisdom and intelligence, the Emerald represents Prosperity, Creativity, and Refinement.

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