Coral Red Benefits

It assists the individual in dealing with and emerging from the arduous Mangal Dasha phase.

  • Real Estate Success - Mars is known in Vedic astrology as the 'Bhoomi Karaka,' the ruler of land and property. People in areas such as real estate, farming, agriculture, interior decoration, mining, oil exploration, and physical asset management profit from Munga stone.
  • Team management, administrative, and leadership success - Red coral stone, which is associated with the aggressive planet Mars, helps the wearer refine his team improvisation skills. It is highly suggested for persons working in the Army, Police, Sports, or other jobs that require a lot of physical and mental stamina.
  • Better Immunity & Digestive Health - Because of its potential to restore digestive, circulatory, and psychological health, red coral outperforms practically every other gemstone in terms of health benefits. It is also worn to improve the wearer's immunity and mental concentration.

Price & Quality

The finest possible quality Red Coral is a gemstone with a bright red colour and a smooth, flawless, shiny surface that comes from a reputable source.

  • Clarity - Surface marks, texture, and shine are used to determine the clarity of red coral, which is an opaque gemstone. Blemishes, patches, Cavities, and surface graining are all examples of inclusions in red coral. Red coral of the highest quality is smooth, glossy, and free of blemishes.
  • Origin - Due to their higher quality, Italian and Japanese Red Corals are the most popular.
  • Color - Pure Red Coral is the most popular colour, however in other marketplaces, in-between colours of Orange and Red are also popular.

The price of red coral is determined by its colour, origin, shape, and surface finish. It can cost anywhere from $500 to $15,000 per carat ($7 to $200).


Who should wear Coral Red ?

  • Red coral is the birthstone for Aries according to Western astrology.
  • Munga ratna is recommended by Vedic Astrology for Mesh (Aries) and Vrischik (Scorpio) Rashi.
  • The ascendants of Sagittarius, Pisces, Cancer, and Leo can also wear the Moonga gemstone.

In Vedic Astrology, this famous Gemstone signifies Mars.
It is worn to promote good health, business success, and personal relationships.
Red coral is an opaque, natural gemstone created by marine organisms under the sea.

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