Cat's Eye Benefits

Ketu is a planet that aids an individual's evolution through a variety of events. It's a grounding stone that also has a strong protection force. It is strong enough to protect one's health and wealth by counteracting Ketu's negative effects. Cat's Eye also aids in the attainment of a greater degree of understanding, tranquilly, and spirituality.

  • Spirituality and Inner Peace - The mystical planet Ketu's powers aid in spiritual progress. Wearing a Cat's Eye stone can help to alleviate the pain that comes with life's difficult lessons. It works by stimulating intuition and increasing consciousness. Cat's Eye cleanses the aura of undesirable energy and converts negative ideas into positive ones. In the life of the wearer, Cat's Eye promotes happiness, peace, and optimism.
  • Financial and Professional Development - Cat's Eye aids the wearer's commercial or professional life and enhances their financial status. It has the ability to reopen a shuttered firm and assist in the recovery from debt, poverty, and other setbacks. It enhances good fortune and luck. It can also improve the wearer's confidence, memory, and creativity. It's an excellent stone for persons who routinely gamble and take commercial risks.
  • Excellent Health - Cat's Eye is good for your health since it helps the nervous system and addresses eye problems. It relieves headaches, face pain, and sciatic pain. It's also used to treat disorders with the kidneys, pancreas, liver, lymph nodes, spleen, and leukaemia. It's a gemstone that's said to aid with cancer recovery.

Price & Quality

The price of Cat's Eye stones varies greatly depending on various quality parameters.

  • Origin - Superior quality The most popular Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye stones are mined in Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Some stones are highly sought after by collectors due to their scarcity. Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye from South India is also sought after for astrological purposes. The quartz cat's eye mined in India is thought to be of the highest quality.
  • Variety - The Cat's Eye effect is present in many types of gems; however, it may not be present in every specimen of those gems. Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye is the most well-known of all gemstones that exhibit cat's eye because it has the strongest and most distinct cat's eye effect of any gemstone. It is the type that is most commonly used for astrological purposes. Its price range begins at Rs.5,000 ($60) per carat and increases up to Rs.40,000 ($500) per carat. Quartz Cat's Eye, on the other hand, is commonly used for astrological purposes due to the high value and scarcity of Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye. Its prices range from Rs.400 ($5) to Rs.1,500 ($20) per carat.
  • Clarity - All Cat's Eye gemstones have silk inclusions that cause the cat's eye effect; therefore, stones without inclusions will not have the effect and thus will be worthless. When viewed with the naked eye, astrological Cat's Eye gemstones should have high transparency and few visible inclusions.
  • Cat's Eye Effect - The Cat's Eye Effect, also known as Chatoyancy, is an optical phenomenon that causes a single bright band of light to appear on the surface of a gemstone. The best cat's-eye gems have a clearly visible eye effect that bisects the cabochon symmetrically, contrasts sharply with the stone's body color, and moves smoothly as the stone is turned. For astrological purposes, stones with a strong and distinct cat's eye effect are valuable and preferred.
  • Cut - To achieve a good cat's eye effect, the stone should be cut in cabochon shape and the base should be left rough or unpolished (to avoid light leakage).
  • Color - Cat's Eye gemstones come in a variety of colours. Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye's body colour ranges from yellow to green to brown. Quartz Cat's Eye comes in grey, black, honey, green, yellow, and brown. Honey and golden green are the most desirable Cat's Eye colours for astrological purposes.

Who should wear Cat's Eye ?

In Vedic Astrology, Cat's Eye gemstone represents shadow planet Ketu (headless lower body of shadow planet Rahu) or the south node of the moon. Cat's Eye stone is recommended for people going through the dasa or malefic phase of Ketu because it protects them from any unexpected mishaps during this time. Cat's Eye is also used to enhance the effects of Ketu in one's horoscope. It should only be worn if an astrologer recommends it after analyzing the horoscope.

Chatoyancy is a dazzling strip of light that runs over the surface of Cat's Eye gemstones. It's commonly found in Chrysoberyl and Quartz mineral kinds.
In Vedic astrology, it represents the shadow planet 'Ketu.'
It brings financial and professional success, enhanced spirituality and inner serenity, and excellent health to the wearer.

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